Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Reverse Journey by Vivek Singh

It has been a long time since I completed a book in 5 hours. I did it last Sunday.:-) I am done with another bestseller- "The Reverse Journey” by Vivek Singh.
This book does not have a unique plot. Neither will it make you jump out of your thought process and make you think differently. It will make you think though. It is a simple story about wanting to belong and fit in with the rest of the crowd.

The story is centered on a young man who is, as most of us are, stuck while making decisions. There are two options and in his head, somehow both make sense and yet he has to choose, between the heart and the brain.

The heart wants to belong to a country where he has been born and brought up – to be surrounded by people who know and love him for what he is. The brain on the other hand wants money, the security of a job in the US of A, the feeling of wanting everything and being provided for as well.

The Reverse Journey is an honest and sincere attempt to bring forth the conflicts that at some point we all face. We may face them differently and in different situations, however we do at the end of the day.

The writing is tight and at one point I was glad that the writer did not stretch it far, because then it would have become mundane and uninteresting.

I liked the book. I liked the pace at which it went and made me connect with my past experiences. In my opinion any book that connects personally with you is a well-written book.

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